Well that was a relief today as we have our spring back on track and to do so much wrong still speaks volumes of his exciting future ahead. He didn’t seem to settle as well as we would of liked, but Leon gave Mark Zahra the licence to ride him as the best horse in the race and that’s exactly what eventuated.

Mark said he obviously has good ability ,he just needs to put it altogether if he is to be a factor in these bigger events going forward as he won’t get away with doing anything wrong at group level.

A positive we can take out of today is that he did so much wrong that he is open to more improvement and that we now have a chance to rectify that before we get to our main goal in the 10th of October.

Leon was very happy with the way things turned out and to beat David Hayes horse who is on the same path is a big plus especially  as he looked a bit big in condition and will definitely tighten up.

It like being on a roller coaster this spring ,up and down ,but that’s racing and the unpredictability of it all ,just adds to the intrigue of where we will end up ,lets hope on top !!